
The Smarter Guide To Working In London

Remote working is all the rage these days, with people straying away from traditional workplaces such as the office or even a home study in favour of libraries, trains, coffee shops and pretty much anywhere with a
good internet connection.

As a result of this current out-of-office boom, businesses which are specifically tailored to the fans of this new era of remote working have sprung up. They offer bespoke spaces for people to use for the likes of meetings and brainstorming sessions whilst keeping them topped up with coffee, cake and a slice of complementary Wi-Fi on the side.

But which locations still reside at the top of the pile when it comes to working away from the office desk? Powwownow has conducted a survey to discover where the residents of the nation’s capital like to go when they want to get their creative juices flowing, as well as the drinks.

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The Smarter Guide To Working In London
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