
Unique Giveaway Ideas For Your Company's Anniversary

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Unique Giveaway Ideas For Your Company's Anniversary

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An anniversary is considered a milestone, whether it is your anniversary with a significant other, or your business anniversary. Many companies celebrate this milestone by distributing giveaways to their employees or customers. It's a great opportunity to grab attention and remind people of your brand's heritage and longevity.

Here are some unique giveaway ideas for your company’s anniversary:


Your employees and customers will love coupons saving them a great deal in purchasing your products and services. What will make your discount coupon unique is by customising the deal you offer such as making the discount valid for a week or a month, instead of being valid for only a day.

You can also offer a discount that is the same as the number of years that the company has been around such as a 10% discount because your company is celebrating their tenth year in the business.

Personalised giveaways

Thanks to technology nowadays, you can have anything personalised and printed. For example, a car company celebrating its centenary could organize a raffle where lucky winners receive personalized private plates for their car that feature the company's initials or slogan abbreviation, adding a touch of exclusivity to the commemorative event. On a smaller scale, you could order bulk custom t shirts with your company name or logo on it. Give these shirts to your employees and let them wear them during your company’s anniversary brunch.

This is a great way to make your employees feel their value in being part of the company’s milestone. You can also give these shirts to the first twenty customers of your store during your anniversary month if you are celebrating your twentieth year in the business.

It will surely be a nice surprise for your customers. Alternatively, you can also hand out mugs, pens, caps, and other items which can be personalised to have your company’s name and logo, in addition to the shirts.

Gift boxes

Presents are always nice giveaways. If your company is celebrating its fifth year in the business, give out a gift box to every fifth customer of your store on your anniversary week. The gift box may contain several products you offer.

For the company employees, you can also offer a gift box for every fifth employee who will be clocking in everyday of your anniversary week. To keep things interesting, you can add terms such as the one who will be getting the gift box will be the fifth customer after ten in the morning, or the fifth to the last employee to leave after work.

Birthday theme

Treat every employee or customer with a slice of cake and a scoop of ice cream on your company’s anniversary day. After all, this day is your company’s birthday and what better way to celebrate than with a slice of cake and a scoop of ice cream.

You can also invite the children of your employees and have balloons for them. Everyone can even wear party hats to be one with the theme.

Companies usually celebrate anniversaries by paying it forward and giving back, both to their employees and customers alike. More often than not, companies do this by distributing purposeful giveaways to the delight of the receivers. This is a way to show both the company’s employees and customers that they are valued and appreciated.

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Unique Giveaway Ideas For Your Company's Anniversary

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