
Do You Know All These Ways You Can Save On Your Commute?

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Do You Know All These Ways You Can Save On Your Commute?

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Most people would fight tooth and nail to save on their commute. After all, many people view the process rather naively at the start; what’s the harm in paying money for travel? However, it’s only when the months start rolling by and the costs start adding up that the true expense hits people like a ton of bricks.

Therefore, saving is key. After all, prices around rail fares are constantly on the rise too, so any way to minimise this financial impact of commuting is important knowledge. But how is it possible without hiding from the ticket inspector during your journey?

Consequently, here’s a few ways you can save on your commute!

Season train tickets

Obvious out of the way first; train tickets are expensive. Everyone knows this, but they’re more expensive if you’re buying a return ticket every day. It’s also leaches away at your time if you’re constantly queuing up in stations and rummaging around in your wallet to pay for everything. What you want is one solution!

Just as you might pick up a season ticket for the football, you can also score yourself some season train tickets too. Don’t let the pricey upfront costs put you off, because in the long term they’ll absolutely save you a lot of money.

There’s also a flexible range of options too, from weekly season tickets to monthly options. This can help you control the costs if the frequency of your train traveling is up and down, rather than always consistent day in day out.


Many workplaces have carpooling schemes to do their bit for the environment. Why not give it a go? You could pay a share of your colleague’s fuel (or receive that share if you’re the driver), and thus save money on your commute! You’d also be curbing emissions, so there’s a moral element at play here too that you can take pride in.

Additionally, you may just have fun carpooling with your colleagues. You can get to know one another better, befriend one another if you’re not pals already, and turn every mundane trip into work into an adventure filled with adventure! As cheesy as it sounds, you’ll at least be in higher spirits with a heavier wallet.

Bike, jog, walk

Frankly, even if you’re travelling by car or train, commuting can sometimes be a very lazy and tedious affair. Most of the time is spent gazing out of windows from the inside, and sooner or later, staring at endless stretches of road with nothing to do can be soul destroying.

Of course, you could perhaps read or watch a film on a train, but it’s a shame to immerse yourself in fiction during short commute times. Who knows, maybe one day you’ll run out of material too?

Combine your commute with some productivity. Put some headphones in (on low volume so you have awareness of your surroundings), and bike, jog or walk to work. You’ll get in some exercise into your daily routine, and it won’t cost you a penny.

It could be that you thought you’d never have time to exercise due to being so busy at work and home, right? Well, here’s your solution to that conundrum!


Saving money on your commute is an incredibly easy thing to do – if you’re bold enough to take the appropriate steps! Mix up your routine and figure out what works for you.

After all, you may just find a new lease on life, break away from the mundanity of going to work each day, and stop being robbed on ticket and fuel prices in the process!

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Do You Know All These Ways You Can Save On Your Commute?

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