
How To Get Out Of Survival Mode And Beat Stress

Science-backed practical strategies to help you escape survival mode and manage stress effectively.

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Science-backed practical strategies to help you escape survival mode and manage stress effectively.


How To Get Out Of Survival Mode And Beat Stress

Science-backed practical strategies to help you escape survival mode and manage stress effectively.

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Stress at work is inevitable, but when it becomes constant, it can push your nervous system into survival mode. This state, marked by anxiety, decreased focus, and feelings of overwhelm, fatigue and can lead to burnout and health issues.

Fortunately, there are science backed practical strategies that leverage the regulating power of your nervous system to help you escape survival mode and manage stress effectively.

Below are five easy to implement techniques that can save you from burnout, optimize your productivity and make you feel more energized and at easy in your mind and body.

  1. The Power of Box Breathing

One of the quickest ways to calm your nervous system is through controlled breathing. The Box Breathing technique is far more effective than classic deep breathing and can bring your body from a state of stress back into balance. This technique stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system, promoting relaxation.

It’s a simple, effective way to regain composure during stressful moments and can even be done during meetings where other techniques would be inappropriate. To practice, inhale deeply through your nose for a count of four, hold your breath for four seconds, exhale slowly through your mouth for four seconds, and then pause for another four seconds before the next breath. Repeat this cycle at least four times.

  1. Move More

We did not evolve to be marooned in a chair all day. We were not only meant to move, but to mobilize our stress through movement. Thats why exercise is such an effective stress reduction technique. But one shouldn’t restrict their movement to just a few workouts a week. Sitting for long periods can exacerbate stress and keep your body in survival mode.

Regular movement is essential for keeping your nervous system balanced and your stress levels manageable. Instead of waiting until the end of the day, take short, strategic movement breaks between tasks and meetings whenever possible.

Here are a few quick exercises that are especially effective at reducing stress:

  • Stomping: Stand up and stomp your feet for 30 seconds to discharge tension.
  • Tapping: Tap your body vigorously from your chest to your legs to release stress and improve circulation.
  • Contract and Relax: Inhale deeply while contracting all your muscles for a count of five, then exhale slowly as you relax and release the tension. Repeat 3-5x.
  • Walking Meetings: Take your meetings on the go to combine movement with productivity.

These breaks help release tension, improve circulation, and reset your mind, keeping stress levels in check.

  1. Reset with Visualization

Moving from one task to another without a mental break can keep your nervous system on high alert. You can transform daydreaming into something productive through visualization.

Before starting a new task, close your eyes and visualize a peaceful place. Imagine the sights, sounds, and sensations as if you were really there. Spend at least 60 seconds in this visualization until you feel your body respond in a positive, relaxing way to what you are imagining. This brief mental break helps your brain shift gears, allowing you to approach each new task with clarity and calm.

  1. Defend Your Time

Stress escalates into survival mode when you’re overwhelmed by too many tasks at once. Setting realistic timelines with yourself and others and avoiding back-to-back commitments are crucial for preventing run of the mill work stress from becoming crisis mode. Give yourself at least 15 minutes between meetings or major tasks.

Use this buffer time to practice breathing techniques, review notes, or simply decompress before moving on to the next item on your agenda. By protecting your schedule, you create a more manageable flow to your day, reducing overwhelm and enhancing performance.

  1. Maximize Recovery

Your nervous system needs regular periods of rest and recovery. To maximize your downtime, set clear boundaries with technology. Constant connectivity can keep your nervous system on high alert, so establish tech-free times, especially in the morning and evening.

Engage in activities that promote relaxation and pleasure, like spending time in nature, practicing mindfulness, enjoying tech free times with friends and family or enjoying hobbies. These activities help shift your nervous system from stress to recovery. By stepping away from screens and engaging in restful activities, you’ll give your nervous system the restoration time it needs so you can return to work refreshed and focused.

Implementing these strategies will help you break free from survival mode, manage stress effectively, and create a more balanced work life. Challenge yourself to put them to the test on a daily basis for one month. The effects will speak for themselves, and with regular practice, they will become your new habit and routine, allowing you to manage your stress effortlessly.

Karden Rabin is the co-author of The Secret Language of the Body, out now (£16.99), and co-founder of Somia International.

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How To Get Out Of Survival Mode And Beat Stress

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