We cannot live without water, it sustains all life. With entire ecosystems depending on water for survival, preventing water pollution should always be a top priority. There are ways that we can work together to reduce the impact on the environment, starting with the water.
To promote more clean water awareness, you can learn these easy steps to take to make a difference in your home and community. Not sure where to begin? Read ahead to learn a few ways you can reduce and prevent water pollution in your own home.
- Get rid of antibacterial soaps and harsh cleaning products. Many assume that antibacterial soaps and cleaning products are making a healthy impact on their homes, but the truth is that they are likely doing the exact opposite. Soaps that are packed with antibacterial properties and chemical cleaning products do not only pose a threat to humans, but have a huge impact on the water it comes into contact with. Try ditching these products and opting for something more natural. There are a lot of DIY cleaning products out there.
- Don’t flush medications. There is a new kind of concerning water pollution: prescription medications. Although anything that goes down the toilet goes through sewage treatment plants, the chemicals from prescription drugs and over-the-counter medications get into lakes, rivers, and streams which can significantly harm aquatic life. Rather than flushing them down the drain, check to see if there are any local programs in your community that allow you to drop off unused medications.
- Ditch chemical fertilizers. Pesticides and chemical fertilizers can work wonders at keeping your garden bug-free and in full bloom, but they also contribute significantly to water pollution. Fertilizers are full of nitrates, which make their way into rivers, lakes, and oceans, fertilizing algae that deplete oxygen and leave vast dead zones. Consider opting for the organic option next time you go to the store. Aside from water pollution, it is also essential to choose top rated water softeners for your home.
- Repair oil leaks quickly. Just one pint of oil can make a slick big enough to cover a football field. You may think that small oil leak in your car is no big deal, but it is. Oil can’t dissolve in water so it sticks to everything. When your car has a leak, the oil ends up in our water supplies. Change your oil regularly and make sure you have the proper cloths and pans to catch any excess. And make sure to dispose of oil properly.
- Clean up after your pets. You can’t just wait for the road sweeping company to come by and take care of it for you. While leaving your pets “business” may not seem like a big deal, it can really harm the water. Dog poop is one of the leading causes of stormwater pollution because as rainwater flows across yards (and other places), it picks up bacteria. It is also full of nitrogen and phosphorus which is unsafe for our water, so pick up the poop.
While it is not expected of you to be able to end water pollution all on your own, small contributions do add up. Consider these 5 small changes that you can make to start helping clean the water. After all, we all need it to live.