
The Business Of Apps: My Journey Into The Mobile Gaming Industry

We adopted a unique strategy: think like Apple.

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We adopted a unique strategy: think like Apple.


The Business Of Apps: My Journey Into The Mobile Gaming Industry

We adopted a unique strategy: think like Apple.

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In today's digital age, apps are everywhere. From reading e-books to navigating a new city or managing emails, apps have become integral to our daily lives. This ubiquitous presence has created a thriving global app industry, valued at over £500 billion annually. In 2019, I founded Coast Gaming to tap into this enormous market, specifically targeting the gaming sector, which represents around £125 billion of the total industry revenue.

Starting from Scratch

When I started, I had no background in app development, marketing, or design — a significant hurdle, to say the least. However, where there is a challenge, there is an opportunity. I was inspired by my fondness for an old football manager game that was nothing more than an Excel file passed around by email. The simplicity and engagement of that game stayed with me and shaped my vision: to create a retro-inspired football management game for the app market.

Entering the £125 Billion Mobile Gaming Market

Mobile gaming is the largest and most profitable category within the app industry, accounting for about 43% of total app revenues. This market has experienced explosive growth, fuelled by the widespread adoption of smartphones, improved internet connectivity, and an increasing appetite for mobile entertainment. But with high reward comes high risk — building and maintaining an app is more complex and costly than developing a website.

To bring my idea to life, I partnered with Yapiko, a Spanish development company based in Madrid. They shared a passion for football and were eager to break into the app market, making them a perfect fit. By the end of 2020, after a year of hard work, our first title, "Retro Football Management," was launched. Fortuitously, this coincided with the first COVID-19 lockdown in the UK, driving demand for digital entertainment. The game performed well, and I found myself still in the industry, developing games in 2024.

The Recipe for Success: Nostalgia and Simplicity

"Retro Football Management" succeeded by tapping into two powerful sources of nostalgia: the golden era of football and the classic gaming experience. We targeted an audience who grew up with Spectrum and Commodore computers, offering them a game that was familiar yet fresh. Our success was built on understanding the key metrics that drive performance in app stores like Apple's App Store and Google Play Store.

Understanding the App Store Economy

From the outset, we realised that profitability in the app world is closely tied to App Store rankings. Unlike websites, which can be freely accessed, apps are controlled by platforms that charge up to 30% of the revenue. This might seem like a curse, but it also comes with a blessing — access to a vast, engaged market. The higher your app ranks in these stores, the more visibility and downloads it gets.

To succeed, we adopted a unique strategy: think like Apple. If we were Apple, which apps would we want to feature prominently? Two key factors stood out — user engagement (how long users play your app) and revenue generation (how much users spend). The longer users stay on the app, the more likely they are to remain on the platform, and frequent purchases drive revenue for both Apple and us.

Our approach has always focused on creating engaging, "sticky" apps that keep users returning. While other apps may generate more money per user, our focus on retention has consistently resulted in favourable rankings, driving profitability over time.

Navigating the Challenges: Lessons Learned

One of the biggest lessons we have learned is the importance of balancing marketing spend with app store rankings. Marketing can drive downloads, but it does not guarantee profitability if the app does not rank well or retain users. Our marketing strategy, therefore, is primarily aimed at influencing app store algorithms to improve our visibility and rankings.

Another critical insight is the need for speed to market. The temptation to perfect every detail before launch can lead to overspending and missed opportunities. Our experience shows that if the app is functional, fair, and true to its genre, users are remarkably forgiving. Launch early, gather feedback, and iterate quickly to find out if you have a hit.

Looking Ahead: The Future of Coast Gaming

As I reflect on my journey, I realise that entering the app market was not just about building games but about learning to navigate a complex, competitive industry. In the years ahead, we will continue to focus on creating engaging, nostalgic gaming experiences while adapting to the ever-changing landscape of the app market.

For anyone looking to break into this industry, my advice is simple: start with a clear vision, be prepared to learn, adapt quickly, and don't be afraid to launch early. The app industry is tough, but with the right strategy and mindset, the rewards can be substantial.

Good luck.

Andy Naylor is Director of Coast Gaming.

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The Business Of Apps: My Journey Into The Mobile Gaming Industry

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