
9 Productivity Hacks For Small Businesses

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9 Productivity Hacks For Small Businesses

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One of the ways successful small business owners become leaders in their field is by maximizing their time effectively. After all, managing a business is usually a complex matter.

It entails tackling a variety of tasks throughout the day. Sadly, your time isn't only devoted to business-related tasks. You also have to deal with distractions and other time-consuming trivialities.   

If you want to enhance your small business's overall efficiency, here are several productivity hacks to consider:

  • Hire A Virtual Assistant 

One of the reasons virtual assistants are gaining popularity is that they can help you get the job done, regardless of the number of tasks you need to deal with each day. Thus, when you're running a small business, working with a virtual assistant is one of the ways to boost productivity levels. 

As a good starting point, you can ask your virtual assistant to take calls and emails, tackle incoming and outgoing invoices, and handle minor, repetitive tasks. This way, you can focus on more crucial tasks to expand your business. 

  • Work With A Reliable Managed IT Service Provider  

When you employ managed IT services for your business, you'll have peace of mind knowing your IT systems are under constant monitoring. These professionals are always ready to deal with any issues and make the necessary upgrades for your network.  

Keep in mind that any IT problems that might arise can disrupt the operations of your business. As a result, your productivity levels will drop. However, the timely response of IT professionals for any IT-related concerns ensures your business operations will run seamlessly at all times. 

If you're planning on hiring managed IT services for your business, checking out the latest Toronto IT services pricing breakdown can provide you with an accurate idea of the current rates in the industry, enabling you to choose one that best suits your business budget. 

  • Delegate Tasks  

When you're managing your business in a remote or work-from-home setting, you'll face additional distractions such as house chores and children, along with notifications that can disrupt your focus and concentration. 

Whether you're in a workplace setting or at home, delegation is a helpful hack to consider. By delegating business responsibilities, you can use your time to focus on crucial tasks and carry them out more efficiently.  

Additionally, delegation allows you to establish trust and communication, eventually unearthing hidden skills among your employees. Moreover, you have the option to delegate high-level functions to an outside service provider or your trusted employees. 

  • Move Around Or Take A Break 

If you feel overwhelmed with many tasks, it might be best to stand up and move around to lessen the tension you’re experiencing. A change of scenery will always work wonders when you feel burned out. A quick trip to a coffee shop or donut store nearby will work too. 

Taking a real break from your activities will provide you with time to recuperate, so you'll return to work with renewed energy and focus.  

  • Set Effective Goals 

A productive hack to get you through the day is to set more effective goals. When you and your team are united in pursuing a collective goal, you’ll be more motivated to keep going and overcome whatever obstacles you might face.

To make your goal-setting a more effective activity, try to set a limit on the number of objectives you need to prioritize. Once you have a few engaging goals, you’ll have something to focus your attention and energy on. 

  • Keep Meetings Short 

Before gathering your employees for a meeting, you should consider sending or discussing the agenda via email.  

If that's not possible, try to keep the meetings as brief as possible. When meeting with an in-house staff, consider carrying out the discussion on your feet so your employees will be more alert. Conducting a meeting while standing up also ensures a more straightforward discussion.

  • Set A Schedule For Your Emails  

If you're constantly worried about your emails, you can easily get distracted. More often than not, these concerns will continue to impact your thoughts, urging you to refresh your emails every few minutes.  

One way to keep this distracting activity at bay is to set aside a specific schedule for reading and replying to all your emails. When applicable, you can also delegate this task to your virtual assistant.  

  • Avoid Social Media 

Another source of distraction during your business operations is social media. You might be chatting with a family member or friend, only to find out you’ve wasted precious minutes browsing through your newsfeed.  

While at work, try to mute your phone or social media notifications to avoid any distractions.

  • Avoid Multitasking 

In the past few years, people have elevated multitasking as a lifestyle trend, further pushing people to juggle as many tasks as possible. In reality, multitasking can do more harm than good when it comes to productivity.  

Remember that the human brain isn’t capable of rapidly switching from one task to another. When you multitask, you become less effective and stressed out. 


When you’re running a small business, you juggle several tasks and responsibilities throughout the day. If you reach a point when it becomes overwhelming and you're not reaching your goals, it might be time to take a break and think of ways to improve your operations. With the help of these helpful hacks and tips, they'll serve as a guide in boosting the efficiency and productivity of your business in the long run.

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9 Productivity Hacks For Small Businesses

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