
Government Should Fast-Track Planning Reforms To Boost Investment - BCC

Ideas include boosting the skills and expertise within local planning authorities, ensuring better planning for businesses, and offering further guidance on employment land requirements.

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Ideas include boosting the skills and expertise within local planning authorities, ensuring better planning for businesses, and offering further guidance on employment land requirements.


Government Should Fast-Track Planning Reforms To Boost Investment - BCC

Ideas include boosting the skills and expertise within local planning authorities, ensuring better planning for businesses, and offering further guidance on employment land requirements.

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The British Chambers of Commerce (BCC) has called on the UK Government to swiftly reform England’s planning system in a bid to stimulate business investment and drive economic growth.

In its submission to the consultation on proposed changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), the BCC emphasized the need for ministers to act quickly to prevent "uncertainty and inertia" within the planning system.

The BCC’s submission argues that the planning system must play a pivotal role in supporting the development of the country’s economic infrastructure.

Among the key recommendations outlined by the BCC are boosting the skills and expertise within local planning authorities, ensuring better planning for businesses, and offering further guidance on employment land requirements.

Jonny Haseldine, Policy Manager at the BCC, stated, "Getting a planning system that works for business is crucial to driving investment and economic growth. We welcome the proposed NPPF changes, and ministers should move quickly to implement them."

The BCC’s recommendations include:

  • Improving Planning Authority Expertise: The BCC stressed the need for local planning authorities to increase their capacity and expertise to deliver on the Government’s ambitious plans. A shortage of skilled planners is currently hindering progress, and the BCC supports the Government’s commitment to recruit an additional 300 planners.
  • Planning for Business Needs: The submission calls for better coordination between planning for housing and business land. While increased housing is welcomed, the BCC warns that this must not come at the cost of land set aside for business use. Clear guidelines are required to ensure local authorities properly assess the need for employment land to enable businesses to invest.
  • Grey Belt Land Usage: The BCC advocates for the appropriate use of "grey belt" land, which could be developed to meet both housing and business needs without impacting protected green belt areas.
  • Increased Planning Fees for Improved Services: Businesses have indicated their willingness to accept reasonable increases in planning fees if it leads to better service quality. The BCC supports the idea of ring-fencing planning fees to boost resources and improve the overall planning process.

Haseldine added that the shortage of planning officers is a critical issue hampering growth, and the BCC is working alongside the private sector on a scheme to train and upskill planners.

Overall, the BCC believes the proposed NPPF changes present an opportunity to unlock the planning system and foster economic growth, but stresses that rapid implementation is vital.

“Time is of the essence,” Haseldine concluded, urging the Government to move quickly to deliver the reforms and provide businesses with the certainty they need to invest.

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Government Should Fast-Track Planning Reforms To Boost Investment - BCC

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