
The Benefits Of Utilising Collaboration Software In The Workplace

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The Benefits Of Utilising Collaboration Software In The Workplace

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In recent times, tools which help aid collaborative working within the workplace have steadily increased in popularity, with businesses of all types and sizes looking to modernise and introduce secure, cost-effective ways to make team-work more efficient.

Collaboration software allows employees to work together on projects via a cloud-based platform, no matter where they are in the world. Common features of these centralised platforms include; calendar planning, file sharing, document collaboration, task management and reporting.

Here, we discuss how introducing a collaboration tool within the workplace has many benefits and can help improve the overall running of a business.

1.      Flexible work environment

Flexible work environments are one of the key qualities that prospective employees are looking for in the modern world, particularly millennials and generation Z. As such, forward-thinking companies are seeking to create progressive, accessible workspaces that attract all types of talent, whilst providing their employees with a good work-life balance.

Collaboration tools support flexible workplaces, since they allow users to access the tool at any moment in time and from any geographic location, making teamwork and communication straightforward, even when working remotely. This supports larger companies that may have several offices in different locations and time zones.

Moreover, not only does the tool create adaptable, virtual work spaces, but it also helps save employees the money and time that is associated with commuting or travelling for business meetings.

Features include conference calling, task management and calendar sharing, all of which are accessible easily via the one platform, allowing for hassle-free virtual meetings wherever and whenever.

2.      Enhanced security

One of the greatest concerns amongst modern business owners is the threat of potential security breaches, particularly for those that hold copious amounts of sensitive data. Investing in cloud collaboration platforms help alleviate these apprehensions, since they are a secure way to carry out day-to-day work.

During the initial set-up stages, those in charge can establish rigid controls on the access and viewing of specific documents or information. This allows permissions to be granted to employees based on their individual roles and responsibilities.

Collaboration tools can even alert the relevant people in case of an attempted breach and where unauthorised access attempts have been made.

3.      One, singular platform

A common point of contention for many businesses is the overabundance of tools used within the workplace, all with different primary functions. This often means tools are purchased, forgotten about or not utilised to their full potential, wasting valuable resources.

Instead, having a singular platform which is capable of carrying out the various functions of many other tools saves time, effort and money. Employees will no longer have to painstakingly log onto several different tools throughout the day – here, everything they need to work on projects can be found in one easy-to-use platform.

4.      Collaborate on documents in real-time

When many team members are working on a project at any given time, it can be difficult to track changes and work efficiently. With the document collaboration function that comes with this type of software, work can be edited by more than one team member at the same time, whilst changes can easily be tracked in real-time.

This helps foster a co-operative and transparent working environment in which team members effectively work together on tasks without confusion.

5.      Boosts productivity

Perhaps the biggest benefit of workplace collaboration tools is the improvements to employee productivity, which can increase by up to 20% when using one.

Important documents and information are on-hand and can be retrieved at much greater speed, helping to minimise the amount of time which is spent on admin tasks or searching for files, which employees spend, on average, 1.8 hours a day doing. Instead, staff can focus on work that is the most valuable and profitable for the business.

Invest in collaboration software

Collaborative working tools are a must-have for any organisation that wishes to increase workplace efficiency, in addition to saving valuable time and resources.

Team members can work together in real-time and from anywhere in the world, ensuring full transparency and creating flexible, modern work environments – a benefit for any progressive business that seeks to attract young talent.

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The Benefits Of Utilising Collaboration Software In The Workplace

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