
The Departments In Your Company That Can Save The Environment

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The Departments In Your Company That Can Save The Environment

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Your company needs to be part of the climate-mindful future. If you’ve got a startup on your hands, and you want it to be a viable and sustainable unit for years to come, you need to focus on the world around you. It's easier than you might think.

If you’re someone who has already adopted eco-friendly activities, such as planting in your own garden and recycling as much as you can, it won’t be too much of a stretch to instil these values in your business as well.

With that in mind, it’s time to think about the most eco friendly departments inside of your company. They can be the forefront of your efforts, and even just operating them does wonders for the environment.

Your Cleaning Team

The people who clean up behind you, after the working day is over and the lights are turned off, can be at the forefront of making a positive change for the environment.

Depending on the kind of products they use to wipe down your desks and scrub stains off the floor, you might just be contributing to reduced emissions and potentially toxic chemicals in the air around you.

So be sure to take a good look at what your cleaners are using at the moment - if you know the most eco friendly (yet industrial) products that are on the market, you can do your bit to invest in a healthier office and surrounding environment.

Your IT Department

If you run a lot of your operations online, and try to eliminate as much of your paper waste as possible, you’re going to do wonders for the trees in your area. Less of a demand for pen and paper, and all of its various uses, means longer living trees and plenty of new vegetation around you. Your local economy can become a lot greener as a result, with little cost to you.

Which is why it’s key to have an IT department - a ground of dedicated professionals working to keep your digital system online and in good condition. These are the people who are at the forefront of your network and its servers, and your website wouldn’t get anywhere without some IT Services behind the scenes.

Your Digital Marketing

Once again, turning to the digital world (and the virtual one) can make all the difference for your business’ carbon footprint. You have less waste at the end of the day, and less need to put filing cabinets and all kinds of folders all over the office.

It’s cheaper to store your data online, in a secure space, and it can help the environment little by little, the longer you go on with it. So when it comes to marketing, running internet adverts and website banners is a lot better than taking up billboard space and printing flyers!

Your company has quite a few departments, but some are more eco friendly than others. Remember that!

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The Departments In Your Company That Can Save The Environment

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