
4 Practical Steps For Improving Workplace Engagement

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4 Practical Steps For Improving Workplace Engagement

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Employees are the lifeblood of any organization. Thus, it’s no surprise that there’s a lot of buzz surrounding employee engagement. Happy employees are productive, and their happiness is evident when they’re engaged. This means employees play an active role in the workplace.

They don’t just do the job they’re asked to do. There's a positive interaction, proactive and productive discussions, and healthy professional relationships across all employees.

Employee engagement is, therefore, a key metric to perfect. This refers to how strongly connected the employees feel to their work and their employer. There’s no animosity or negative work culture, and the commitment to their job remains strong.

Regardless of business size and type, one of the common challenges faced by companies is how to keep an engaged workforce. Here's what HR can do to remedy poor workplace engagement and improve the overall well-being of employees.

  1. Start Right From The Onboarding Process

One of the reasons why employee engagement may be poor is that the hiring and onboarding process may not be as efficient. Remember that hiring new employees isn’t just about meeting and matching those that fit the job requirement. It’s important to make those new employees feel that they’re a part of a family.

Start from day one of the whole process. Make sure that every employee who joins your company will be well acclimated to your vision, mission, and goals. Even as new hires, they can contribute positively enough to help make those goals a reality.

  1. Supply The Right Tools

Employees are more engaged and fulfilled with their job functions when they feel they have the right tools needed to complete the job. No one wants to be stuck doing long, arduous, manual work when those employees know that other workplaces are already using the latest software, apps, and other automated tools.

Consider the purchase of new and better equipment as an investment in exchange for better productivity. Supply your employees with the right tools needed to complete their job. Make those available at their disposal. The lack of tools and equipment could be one of the barriers to getting the job done right.

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  1. Train Employees Regularly

Aside from supplying the right tools, it’s vital to train employees regularly. Whenever available, send your employees to training, seminars, and other certification programs, the fees of which will be shouldered by your company. It may be an added cost, but the returns are greater. Consistently training your employees can help them succeed in their roles and even beyond that.

When employees can continually upskill, they feel better about themselves. They’ll also feel like the organization they’re working for values their growth in the company. Training employees not only keep them more engaged but also allows them to see that they can grow where they are.

If you have a high employee turnover rate, then poor employee engagement may be a culprit. Digging deeper, this could specifically mean the lack of training for your employees.

  1. Improve Workplace Efficiency

How efficient is your workplace? Are you still using and working with outdated office machines and ineffective practices? If true, these could be contributing reasons why your employees aren’t engaged. There's also the chance that your staff’s quality of work may be affected.

Fortunately, technology is moving forward at a rapid pace. It's there to help your business out. You just have to use those technologies to your advantage to improve workplace efficiency.

If you’re keen on making that change today, here are time-tested tricks to make an efficient workplace more possible:

  • Give Your Employees Their Needed Breaks. No one has to be too busy to take breaks. Everyone needs time away from the screen, even for a few minutes during the day.

  • Avoid Encouraging Your Employees To Multitask. Surprisingly, multitasking is one of the top productivity eaters in any company. The reason behind this is that you lose focus when you multitask. Your employees end up taking a longer time to do one task when their focus is all over the place. Additionally, the work quality is affected in the long run.

  • Decorate Your Office. Is your office old and dingy? Does it lack an element of comfort? Employees will be more engaged when they’re also happy in the place where they spend most of their working hours. Start by bringing plants in. From there, you may also want to redo your office pantry and other areas of the office that somehow need a touch of glam.


If you’ve previously felt like your business is struggling to keep your employees engaged, know that you aren’t alone in that. There's a reason why informative content surrounding employee engagement like this article exists. HR managers need it. There's that constant pursuit to improve and change whatever problem areas surrounding employee engagement you now have. There’s no better time but now to start working on having a more engaged workforce.

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4 Practical Steps For Improving Workplace Engagement

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