
5 Life Skills Every Adult Needs To Know

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5 Life Skills Every Adult Needs To Know

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There comes a time in every young person’s life when they realize they have become an adult. And as such, they need to act like one. It’s not possible to rely on your parents for everything for the rest of your life. But actually growing up and embracing adulthood can be difficult.

In school, you learn things you’ll never need to know. You study trigonometry, the periodic table, and the wives of Henry VIII, but very few students graduate high school with any tangible life skills.

Unfortunately, there’s no handbook teaching you how to become an adult. You simply learn how to get by from people who are older and wiser than you, with a few YouTube tutorials on top of that.

And there certain fundamental abilities that every adult needs to know in order to navigate the twists and turns of life.

Here are the top five skills that every adult should be able to master.

Cooking for yourself

Once you move out of your parents’ house, you have to start feeding yourself. Most college students rely on a diet of cereal and pasta, but it’s incredibly simple to learn some basic culinary skills.

First, equip yourself with some basic kitchen utensils and find a few simple recipes that are nutritious and easy to cook. One-pot meals like chili con carne or a sausage casserole are filling, healthy, and can be cooked in bulk, providing food for the rest of the week or to freeze for later. 

Managing your finances

Unless you dream of becoming a high-flying accountant or financial advisor, you don’t need to be an expert on fixed-rate ISAs or the latest cryptocurrency exchange. Still, you can’t get by in life without being able to manage your own money.

Knowing how to file your tax return, create a budget, and put money into a retirement fund will set you up for the future and allow you to enjoy a greater level of financial security.


Even if you live in a city and can rely on public transport, the ability to drive is an important skill to master. Not only does it improve your coordination and observation skills, but having a car (and knowing how to use it) provides you a great deal of freedom to go wherever you want.

Performing basic repairs

Most people, when they have an issue with their car or a leaky tap, simply call in a mechanic or plumber to fix it for them. But knowing how to do your own basic repairs can save you a heap of money in the long run. Get yourself a toolkit and browse YouTube for tutorials on how to do DIY jobs around the home.

Speaking in public

No matter what profession you go into, there’s a good chance you’ll end up having to speak in front of a group of people at some point.

Whether it’s teaching a class, giving a business presentation, or acting in front of an audience, being able to speak confidently in front of a crowd is hugely beneficial. If the prospect of public speaking fills you with anxiety, here are some helpful tips for conquering your nerves.

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5 Life Skills Every Adult Needs To Know

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