
5 Simple But Effective Stress-Busters For The Busy Boss

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5 Simple But Effective Stress-Busters For The Busy Boss

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Stress is something that we cannot avoid in life and can result from major and minor challenges. However, even though we cannot manage to control all the circumstances that we go through, we are able to control how we respond to stress.

Stress can become chronic, and can lead to a whole world of health issues. It is important for people to have strategies and proper stress relievers to calm their bodies and minds especially when most people are still feeling the impacts of the pandemic in their daily lives.

That notwithstanding, different stress relievers will work under different circumstances. For instance, what works in the office might not work for you or might not even be an option when working from home or in a public place.

For example, you might use something like dancing as a stress reliever when working from home but will not be able to use it when working in public. This means that you need to have different stress-relieving strategies to use depending on different circumstances.

Some simple but effective stress-busters for the busy boss include;

Taking a Walk or Running

Exercising is one of the best stress-busters that work within short periods of time. Running or walking plays an important role in changing your scenery, something that gives you a new stimulus to take in.

If you plan to fully engage yourself in a quick run, it helps to equip yourself with the right gear such as dedicated sunglasses for running. Subconsciously, you are telling yourself to forget about everything else and this may improve your overall running experience.  

Running and walking are among the simplest but effective stress-busters that busy people can engage in to rejuvenate their bodies and minds. 


Meditating is one way of achieving stress relief in the short term. However, it can also bring lasting solutions with regard to stress management. There are different types of meditation, with each one of them bringing different types of stress relief.

The best way of using meditation as a stress buster is by developing a mantra that you can repeat from time to time while at the same time taking slow but deep breaths. 

You can also practice mindfulness. This requires one to be in the moment and to pay attention to what they hear, touch, taste, smell, or see. The great thing is that you can do this anywhere and improve your well-being in the workplace.

Using Guided Imagery

Using guided imagery can be seen as a way of taking your mind for a short vacation. For instance, you can assume that you are in a happy place and having fun, like on the beach or any other place that you love.

You can use a recording where you listen to an audio clip where someone walks with you through a happy place. If you can do this on yourself, you can walk yourself through the journey instead of listening to an audio clip.

To do this, you need to close your eyes and walk yourself through the scene of your choice thinking about all the things you can do and feeling as though you were actually there. After some time, you will have relieved yourself of stress.

Focussing on Your Breathing

Changing your breathing processes and focussing on the way you breathe are effective and simple ways of relieving stress. You can use different breathing techniques to calm your brain and body within a short period of time.

Most people use this technique because it is easy and can be done anywhere without any person even noticing. 

This means that even though you might be in a meeting, giving a speech, or even in a crowded public space, breathing exercises can help you get rid of stress without any problems.

Hugging Loved Ones

Finally, you can use physical touch to reduce your levels of stress especially when it comes to hugging loved ones.

Hugging a person initiates the body to release oxytocin which is associated with the reduction of stress and increasing the levels of happiness.


It is very difficult for a person to work under stress. By managing it well, you are not only improving your mental health but also improving your productivity in the long run. The key is to be able to detect when you are about to go through a stressful situation and control it earlier on.

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5 Simple But Effective Stress-Busters For The Busy Boss

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