
Are You Making These Customer Service Mistakes?

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Are You Making These Customer Service Mistakes?

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If you run a business then you need to make sure that you avoid these customer service mistakes. If you don’t then you may find that you end up with a world of problems at a later date and this is the last thing you need.

Leaving a Customer 

It takes a ton of effort to greet someone in a way that allows them to open up to you, and for you to be seen as a trusted advisor. Leaving them when you have established this kind of trust will break the bond. If you can, you need to try and make sure that you have someone to answer the phone for you while you deal with customers on the floor.

It’s fine for your customer line to go to the answer phone, as you can always pick up the call later on. With that being said, the person who has made the effort to come and see you in person may feel as though they are being neglected.

Asking for a Commitment

An old trick that salespeople often use is trying to tie down a customer early so that no time is wasted. Most retailers don’t have any kind of sales training anymore,  and this means that they are often left navigating the situation by themselves. They may ask what their budget is, and if they are prepared to buy today. The problem with this is that this puts your customers on the defensive. This is the last thing you need. If you want to work around this then one thing you need to do is try and make sure that you leave it up to the customer. A lot of customers will tell you their budget, without you having to ask, so keep this in mind if you can.

Not Selling What Your Customer Asks For

Most customers are more than happy to do their research online before they even come to your store. The issue is that if your customer comes in and you don’t have what they are looking for, that this costs you quite a lot of money. You may also find that you end up leaving a lot of money on the table. If you want to do something about this then make sure that you take the time to really make sure that you’re aware of what you sell, and make sure that you have complimentary options. This allows you to upsell, so keep that in mind if you can. Providing an efficient service is also important, so be sure to look into credit card processing by

Asking if there’s Anything Else

Another major mistake would be for you to ask if there is anything else. This tells customers that you are done with the interaction. Suggestive selling is really where your profit margin is. The first sale that you make will pay for your overhead and the second item is what you need to really dial-in that profit. You need to try and sell items that your customers don’t know they need, so you can make the most out of your situation and make sure that you are coming out on top.

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Are You Making These Customer Service Mistakes?

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