
Finding A Job During the Pandemic: 7 Helpful Tips

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Finding A Job During the Pandemic: 7 Helpful Tips

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When the pandemic first hit most countries at the beginning of 2020, many people assumed that it was something that would blow over quickly. And while the situation has certainly drastically improved since then, there’s no denying the fact that the Covid-19 virus is still affecting all of our lives in various ways.

One of the many downsides to the pandemic is the fact that many companies had to either downscale or close completely due to a lack of income. Of course, this means that many employees lost their jobs.

Finding a job can be a difficult and stressful process no matter what, but it’s even harder during the pandemic. Luckily, we’re here to share some tips that might help you if you’re trying to find a job during the pandemic.

Make sure your resume stands out

Having a good resume is always one of the most important steps to finding a job, but especially now, where there is a chance that you won’t get to meet potential employers face-to-face due to restrictions. So, your resume truly needs to make an impression.

Many companies are skeptical of hiring new people during the pandemic because they don’t want any additional expenses during such uncertain times. Therefore, your resume needs to convince them to hire you.

You also need to have a clear vision of what you want from a job and how to make your resume show this. Have a look at career advice for job seekers to learn more.

Get in touch with people

One of the most important aspects of any job search is the ability to network, and that has become even more helpful during the pandemic.

While companies may be resistant to hiring new people, they may be more lenient if someone puts in a good word for you and recommends you. So, get in touch with anyone you know who might be able to help you find a position. Don’t be ashamed about asking your friends for help during such a difficult time.

Consider remote work

A while back, most jobs took place in an office space or physical location, and people who worked remotely were in the minority. Now, however, the opposite is true.

Naturally, you may still be able to get a job where you physically go into work every day, but those opportunities will likely be limited. If you’re truly desperate to get a job during the pandemic, you will need to at the very least consider taking a remote job. Back in 2020, many questions were raised about whether businesses would embrace remote work for the future. Now, it is clear that the answer is yes.

Brush up on your technological skills

Since so many companies are now run remotely, that means that you will need to be able to communicate and work with your managers and coworkers on a remote level.

This often means using apps like Zoom and also using productivity software. Many of us aren’t used to this, so it’s a good idea to try and brush up on your technical skills so that you can easily fit into the team and focus on your work, rather than trying to figure out how to make a video call.

Look into freelance jobs

Just as with remote work, freelance jobs are also something to consider as the need for freelancers has risen during the pandemic. Many people don’t feel comfortable with the idea of freelancing because it often means that you won’t have a stable salary, but if you have no other options, it might be worth it to look into it.

After all, any income is better than no income at all. Freelancing also has many benefits, so you might find that you actually enjoy it more than a regular nine-to-five job. Click here to learn about the best freelance websites that you can use to help you find a job during the pandemic.

Be active in your job search

While it may surprise you to hear this, many people view job hunting as a passive activity. Sure, they’ll look on a job website once a week, but other than that, they expect the perfect job to find them.

That’s incredibly unlikely, especially during the pandemic. You need to be checking various sites every day, and applying as soon as you find a job you are qualified for before the position is filled. If you are willing to go the extra mile, you can even call companies to ask if they have any available positions.

This is risky – sometimes, they will be impressed by your guts, whereas other times, they may simply be irritated.

Be open-minded

Unfortunately, you might not be able to get the job you want right now. As mentioned, companies are trying to cut back costs. Now, you mustn’t settle for a job if you think someone will be paying you less than you deserve, but you also can’t necessarily expect to get an extremely high-paying salary in today’s economy.

It’s not impossible, but you shouldn’t get your hopes up. Rather lower your standards a bit and be prepared to take a job that isn’t perfect. Companies are also inventing many new positions such as Covid officers and other unique jobs. While this may sound strange to you, try to be open-minded and embrace any opportunities that come your way, even if they are outside your comfort zone.

In conclusion

Most people would agree that finding a job is hard, and the pandemic certainly hasn’t made it easier. If you have lost your job during or due to the pandemic, you may feel hopeless, but you shouldn’t give up.

You never know when you will come across the perfect job. But it is hard work, and it will require a lot of time and patience on your side. Hopefully, following our helpful tips will make it easier. Have faith in yourself, and show employers what you can bring to their company and why they should hire you.

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Finding A Job During the Pandemic: 7 Helpful Tips

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