
How To Attract More Customers With Your Office Decor

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How To Attract More Customers With Your Office Decor

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The appearance of your office is vital to your business’s success. This is because the decor of your office space has an immense impact on your business. Beyond making your workers feel more comfortable, boosting performance and productivity, the way you set up your office can also attract or drive away customers.

Many customers decide on whether they would interact with a business from the first impressions they perceive, such as the business’s decor. So are you looking for ways to increase customer traffic to your business? Here’s how your office decor can help you do just that. 

  • It’s all in the visual appeal

Visuals play a crucial role in purchasing decisions. Generally, 90% of purchases are influenced by visual factors. While this is mostly the case for product packaging; office space visuals, decor, and emotions influence many customers’ purchasing decisions. 

Consider a potential client walking into your office and noticing your office shelves looking untidy with dying plants suffering from dehydration, your furniture looking old and worn out and hasn’t been changed in years, and your general workplace looking unkempt. That client may associate how unkempt your office is with your service quality. Now consider an organised office environment, with neat industrial shelving units, well-decorated office walls that are neatly painted with attractive colours, and well-polished floors. The latter office space will have a better visual impact on a new client than the former. A prospect will expect high-quality service from you simply because of how your office looks, so keep this in mind.

  • Comfort, health, and safety

Aside from the visual appeal, your office space set up and decor can also exude comfort and safety in a healthy environment. If your office is set up to make your customer feel at home, you can easily gain their confidence. Every company wants its visitors or clients to feel as comfortable as possible, as comfort also influences business decisions. Comfort is especially important if you expect people to wait on your premises when getting the services they need. A visitor to your office also wants to feel safe and valued. As the business owner, you want to appease your client’s fears and insecurities by creating positive expectations. If your office decor or setup has no regard for safety, health, and comfort, customers will hesitate to walk into your premises to do business with you. That is especially true considering the current pandemic.

  • Intimacy and openness 

Unless you have a serious need for top-level security in your workplace, it’s best to have an office decor that exudes openness, friendliness, and some level of intimacy. Your client wants to feel that they can approach your workers to help them with their issues. In other words, it’s important to have a customer-friendly office setup. Customer-friendly essentials like a designated customer sitting area, customer entertainment system, the presence of a worker to greet customers when they walk in, etc., can quickly put a smile even on an irate customer’s face. 

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How To Attract More Customers With Your Office Decor

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