
If You Want Your Business To Survive, Here's How

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If You Want Your Business To Survive, Here's How

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In this day and age there are many people switching to having their own business. There is much more freedom that comes with being your own boss and running a company. However, there are issues that can arise when you have your own business. This includes running out of money, employees leaving, or not having the knowledge needed for success. You may have also heard that not many businesses will survive into their fifth year. If you don’t want this to be you, take a look at the article below for tips and tricks on how to create a successful business. 

Have A Plan

Look around you, what do you see? Every business in sight started with an idea on paper. That is what you need to do if you want to start a business. It might help to invest in a notebook where you can write everything down related to your new venture. Having a plan and knowing what you want to do with your company will give you something to work towards. 

Do Some Research 

One thing that should be done before any business gets off the ground is market research. This will give you an idea of what your customers want and how much they are willing to pay for your products or services. If your market research shows that you won’t get many customers through your door or visiting your site then there is no point starting it. Don’t give up, it just means you need to go back to the drawing board to see how you can improve your ideas. You could also carry out market research on your competitors to see how well they do in the industry. It is perfectly okay to see how much they charge and the profits they took for the past years. 

Hire A Great Team

When it comes to creating a successful business, you need to hire the right team to work for you. When you get this step right, everything else falls into place. Hiring individuals who know how to help run a business and have your company's best interest to heart is the best recipe for success. Make sure you check out every CV that comes your way, you don’t want to overlook someone who could have been amazing. However, be aware that if you end up with a high employee churn rate then this could bring everything crashing down. The issue with churn is that you will then need to take time out to hire new people. Time equals money in the business world so choose your employees wisely. 

Get Funding

Where is your business funding going to come from? If you are starting a business from scratch then you will need to figure out how much money you need. This should include start up costs, employees salaries, technology, and rent to name a few. There are many other smaller costs involved and you don’t want to be caught out and run out of money. If you don’t have this money to hand right away then you may need to successfully apply for a business loan. For this to go through you should have a solid credit score so the bank is confident you can repay it. Be aware that even if your business shuts down, you will still be expected to make the payments. 


There is only one way that you can ensure people remember your business, that’s through amazing branding. Think about the most well known brands across the world that you know, why do you remember them? It is mostly through catchy slogans, clever colours, and eye-catching logos. If you are thinking about attending different shows and events you could hand out goody bags containing braided goods. This could be anything from pens to stress balls, anything that will get your name out there. 

Marketing Strategies

Finally, think about which marketing strategies you want to use within your business. There are so many to choose from but not every one of them will be suitable. For instance, if you are solely based online or in a certain location then leafleting elsewhere will be pointless. Some of the best marketing strategies these days are using social media pages and video marketing. Social media is free so it won’t take a huge chunk of your budget. Video marketing gives your customers a more personal approach when they look into your business. They can find out who you are, what you do, and what you represent. Make sure you hire the experts to help you with your marketing if you don’t have much experience. 

Hopefully this article gave you some insight into how you can create a business that not only survives but is successful for many years to come. Getting everything right from the start means you won’t have as many hurdles to jump over on your business journey. 

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If You Want Your Business To Survive, Here's How

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