
Skill Issue: Dealing With Grown Gamer Problems

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Skill Issue: Dealing With Grown Gamer Problems

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For those of us who have grown up with it, gaming being a part of the mass media landscape is nothing new. However, the industry and its offerings are bigger than ever. Nowadays, everyone games. However, for those of us who are getting older, it’s impossible not to notice that a certain drop-off begins to happen.

Whether it’s due to changes in our priorities, or simply changing tastes as we get older, it might feel like your passion for games isn’t quite as strong as it used to be, or that it’s harder to tap into those feelings. What can you do to get back to the gaming that you love?

Skill Issue

As an older video gaming fan, one of the most noticeable challenges is the decline in gaming skills. Reaction times slow down with age, and hand-eye coordination might not be as sharp as it used to be. Games that require fast reflexes or precision can become more frustrating. Competitive multiplayer games, in particular, highlight these differences, making it harder to keep up with younger players.

While this can be disheartening, many older gamers find enjoyment in less reflex-intensive genres, such as strategy games, role-playing games, or simulation games, where thoughtful planning and experience can outweigh pure speed.

Missing the Classics

Another significant issue for older gamers is the nostalgia for classic titles. Many beloved games from the past are not readily available on modern gaming storefronts. While some classics are re-released or remastered, many remain inaccessible due to licensing issues or outdated technology. Emulation is an option, but it comes with its own set of challenges and legal grey areas.

Platforms like and services like Xbox Game Pass occasionally offer older games, but it can still be a struggle to find the exact titles that hold sentimental value. The yearning for these classic experiences can lead to frustration and a sense of loss in the current gaming landscape.

Not Having Your Old Gaming Friends

As time passes, maintaining connections with old gaming friends can become difficult. People move, life gets busier, and social circles change. This can leave older gamers feeling isolated in a hobby that was once a shared experience. However, finding new gaming communities online can mitigate this problem.

Websites like Reddit have numerous subreddits dedicated to specific games or genres, where like-minded individuals gather to discuss and play together. Discord servers and gaming forums also provide platforms for building new friendships and finding teammates for multiplayer games. Engaging with these communities can rekindle the social aspect of gaming that many older fans miss.

Not Enough Time

One of the most significant challenges for older gamers is finding enough time to play. With increased responsibilities, such as work, family, and other commitments, dedicating long hours to gaming can be tough. Many modern games require substantial time investments, especially those with complex storylines or extensive content to unlock. This can make it difficult to progress and fully enjoy the experience.

To cope with this, older gamers might prioritize games that offer shorter, more manageable sessions or those that provide meaningful progress in shorter playtimes. There are also options like purchasable COD accounts that allow you to skip the grind that can hold you back from truly enjoying a game. Games with pause features and save-anywhere options become particularly valuable for those with busy schedules.

The Dreaded Backlog

The dreaded backlog is a problem that plagues many gamers, but it can be especially overwhelming for older players with limited time. A backlog of unfinished or unplayed games can grow quickly, leading to feelings of guilt and stress. Prioritizing which games to tackle can help manage this issue. One effective strategy is to sort the backlog by interest level and estimated completion time.

Focusing on shorter games or those with high personal interest can make the task less daunting. Additionally, periodically reassessing the backlog and being realistic about which games are still of genuine interest can help reduce the list to a more manageable size.

Your Hands Aren't as Young as They Used to Be

As gamers age, physical discomfort and hand issues become more prevalent. Conditions like arthritis or repetitive strain injuries can make prolonged gaming sessions painful. To combat this, it's essential to incorporate hand stretching and strengthening exercises into a regular routine. Simple stretches can improve flexibility and reduce stiffness, while specific exercises can enhance grip strength and endurance.

Taking regular breaks during gaming sessions to stretch and rest the hands can also prevent discomfort. Additionally, investing in ergonomic controllers and accessories designed to reduce strain can help older gamers continue enjoying their hobby without pain.

Nothing stays the same forever. This includes gaming hobbies. However, with the tips above, you should hopefully be able to get back into it for a good session whenever you find the time.

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Skill Issue: Dealing With Grown Gamer Problems

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