
The Secret To Productivity? Knowing How To Take A Break

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The Secret To Productivity? Knowing How To Take A Break

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Anyone who knows any real truths about productivity will tell you that working flat out every waking hour of the day is simply not the best way to start.

After all, it takes energy, focus, determination and drive to not only work, but to do good work. If you’re not turning out good plans, making good on your ambition through careful thought, and using what you’ve learned to prevent or fix mistakes, are you really being productive?

We might think of a new parent hoping to do everything to care for their child, forgetting that without catching up on sleep, asking for help, and managing their energy, they cannot care as well as they could for the person who relies on them most.

For this reason, the secret to productivity simply means knowing how to take a break. If you can do that well, then you can more easily keep your energy levels maintained during the day. As little content has been written on this topic, we hope to explore how, why and when to take a break, and how also to make it feel substantive, so you feel refreshed and capable when you return to the desk, that work meeting, or managing your plans for tomorrow:

Consider Reading In Your Break

Stepping away from your work to immerse yourself in a good book can be just what you need if you’re tired of emails or calculating numbers or having to exercise a lot of brain power. Reading not only provides a mental escape but also keeps you sharp between the ears, and your faculties primed, helping to reduce stress without putting you to sleep. 

It doesn’t matter if you prefer fiction, non-fiction, or a magazine article, dedicating a portion of your break to reading, maybe while eating a light lunch, can help you feel like you’ve managed a sizeable break from work when coming back. In some cases, it can even feel like you’ve been able to forget about work and truly rest, even though you’ve been engaged the entire time.

Try Exercise & Stretching

Physical activity is sometimes exactly what you need after being sat at a desk or living in a very “heady” mental space. Even a brief walk, some light stretching, or a quick workout can increase blood flow. Sometimes, this can help you think more clearly and with more confidence.

Better yet, it can release stress, and clear your mind. If you have a big meeting coming up or a tense meeting with an investor, being able to express those nerves physically can help you feel so much more focused in the gym. Exercising and stretching can be achieved in various ways. Yoga, heading to the gym, or even bodyweight exercises (preferable if you have your own office) can be a good place to start.

Try Brain Puzzles & Teasers

Engaging in brain teasers or puzzles during your breaks can be recreational and help you relax as you need to. For example, activities like sudoku, crosswords, online chess or logic puzzles can be a nice way to pass the time while also thinking your way through problems outside of work.

We might not be happy to admit it, but most of us have played a little game at work here or there to pass the time, or even just to deal with a boring wait before a meeting. The good thing is that you’re actively engaging your brain, and sometimes, a logical puzzle is what you need to feel a sharper before your duties in the afternoon.


You don't need any special equipment or a dedicated meditation space to sit back and focus on breathing in and out of your nose. With a pair of headphones that allows you to listen to peaceful new-age music, you can shut out the noise of the workplace and relax, or simply find a quiet spot where you can sit comfortably, close your eyes, and follow guided sessions through a smartphone app like Headspace.

Meditation helps you take a peaceful break while also giving you the focus needed to stay alert. You may not find just how helpful this is until you keep it up for a week or two, but over time you may be hugely surprised just how refreshed this focus helps you become. Not only does it let you think more sharply, but gives you a genuine mental pause, which allows you to engage more of your concentration for tasks that really matter.

With this advice, you’ll be sure to know how to take the best possible break.

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The Secret To Productivity? Knowing How To Take A Break

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