
What to Look For In Antioxidants & Natural Ingredients For Anti-Aging & Skin Care

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What to Look For In Antioxidants & Natural Ingredients For Anti-Aging & Skin Care

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When you’re in your twenties, you don’t spend too much time worrying about wrinkles and smile lines. But then you hit thirty and it’s all you can think about because, for the first time, you're beginning to see the first signs of aging in your face. 

Though people generally pacify you with “I can barely see that wrinkle” or “You’re overthinking it”, we believe that the best thing you can do is identify those early signs of wrinkles and skin aging, so you can tackle it before it’s too late.

After all, your skin is part of your body and there’s no reason why you shouldn’t take care of it, and keep yourself youthful as you age. 

In this article, we’ll be walking you through all the natural ingredients and antioxidants which have been proven to keep your skin healthy and plump by dermatologists around the world. 

We’ll also have a look at some natural and organic products which make use of naturally available ingredients to combat wrinkles and lines. Happy reading!

1. Vitamin C

You may have seen the recent hype in vitamin C serums in the beauty and skincare industry. The reason behind this is that vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that helps prevent wrinkles and fine lines from appearing on the skin.

Even if you haven’t noticed any wrinkles on your face as yet, using vitamin C can help prevent your skin cells from breaking down and getting damaged by the sun.

That’s why it's a great idea to start drinking citrus juice regularly while also using serums and creams which contain it on your face and neck. 

2. Tea Extracts

You may have heard of how green tea is a great drink for people who want to retain their healthy and youthful glow. So, it makes sense that some of the tea extracts (including green tea) are beneficial when it comes to preventing the skin from aging, and the damage that comes with pollution.

Green, black, and oolong tea are the most popularly used wrinkle creams because they contain anti-inflammatory ingredients which help the skin heal and stay healthy. 

It’s also important to remember that everyone’s skin is different - and so are their skin care needs.

While some people whose skin is naturally rich in collagen may not age very quickly, there are others whose skin may lack certain elements, causing it to be more prone to damage. 

In such cases, relying entirely on natural ingredients won’t give you the results you’re looking for.

To understand the condition of your skin better, it’s best to go to a dermatologist, or even get an online consultation at sites like Nava MD where you’ll be able to find a cream or gel that’s been customized to suit your skin’s needs and problems. 

3. Collagen

As we mentioned earlier, collagen is a substance that can be seen as the foundation of your skin. It’s found in various parts of your body and is essential for you to be healthy and fit. 

However, with age, the production of collagen begins to reduce, and you can begin to see this in your skin’s texture as well. It begins to lose its healthy glow and slowly loses its elasticity as well. 

When this happens, you’ll automatically notice your skin beginning to get wrinkles at a faster rate. And this is why almost all the wrinkle creams you see today consist of collagen because it’s believed that this can, to an extent, prevent the skin from damage and wrinkles, though this is still under study. 

Collagen supplements are also available right now - ingesting this can help increase the production of collagen in the body, which will help keep the skin and bones healthy for longer. 

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What to Look For In Antioxidants & Natural Ingredients For Anti-Aging & Skin Care

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