Offices are well known for their fluorescent strip lighting that nobody wants to be seen underneath. It's dark, it's white, it's fluorescent, and nobody wants to feel like they're going to have a headache all day long. If you are trying to organize your office in a way that makes you feel like your workplace is thriving, then lighting should be the first thing that you think about.
While many of us have left the corporate office lighting behind, there are still those who have to go back to an office, so learning how you can optimize it and maximize it for your workers is an important component. So how do you achieve it? How do you make sure that people feel like the workplace lighting is correct without them feeling like they're still at home?
- Call a commercial electrician. If you're trying to organize your office lighting so that it's not too stark, not too bright, doesn't wash people out, doesn't give people a headache, then the best thing you can do is call an expert to come in and do your lighting for you. Commercial electricians will be able to tell you exactly what your office needs in terms of lighting so that you can ensure that everybody is comfortable and doesn't have to deal with a glare.
- Embrace as much natural light as possible. While you're working on your corporate electricity, you need to think about as much natural light as you can get into the space. It keeps people awake and alert, it reduces eye strain, and it really does increase their productivity. You want happy, healthy workers, not workers who have got dark circles under their eyes and stinging eyeballs.
- Think about the glare. We already mentioned the commercial electrician coming in and ensuring that lighting is such that it doesn't glare off the surfaces of the computers or the desktops. You need to make sure that you keep all computers and laptop screens away from natural light sources where possible and use artificial lighting. So talk to the commercial electrician about recessed or indirect lights that are warmer above the desks so people can see what they're doing without feeling like they are under lights that can give them a headache.
- Consider investing in task lighting. Do you need to have an office that is so well lit that everybody feels like they have their eyes pouring out of their heads? No. Task lighting is one of the three main types of lighting. The other two are accent and ambient lighting. Task lighting can be done with the form of adjustable table or desk lamps so that everybody can personalize their own lighting for themselves. Not everybody works well under the same lighting, and you want to reduce eye strain and improve focus where you can.
Close lighting isn't easy to get right, so consult with your team and figure out what everybody wants so that you can work together for a solution.