
5 Ways To Make Money From The Safety Of Your Sofa

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5 Ways To Make Money From The Safety Of Your Sofa

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Often as adults, we find ourselves wishing we made a little more money. And while sometimes it may be due to self indulgence, sometimes it’s completely out of control, which usually leaves us cursing the world, entering an existential crisis and demanding to know why “life isn’t being fair”, or a personal favourite: “What did I do to deserve that?” Sometimes all the budgeting, the cutbacks and endless spreadsheets just aren't enough, and the resolution is so simple, yet infuriating - I need to make more money.

Maybe it's just for a one time purchase, or you want to save for something in the future, like a house, or a computer, or a brand new car. Or as mentioned earlier, something might have increased, like your monthly subscription and now you need to cover that to stay afloat. So, how can we make some more money? In this article we’ll explore a few avenues, both quick turnaround and maybe some more consistent or long term methods.

Selling Unused or Unwanted Items 

As much as this may sound like a no brainer, you’d honestly be surprised at how easily this one gets forgotten. And its usually because it sounds like a lot of work. Rifling through your spare room or attic is rarely one’s chosen task, as it can take hours, then you’ve got to list it online. Using platforms like eBay is always a good option - you can now sell clothes on eBay with no transaction charges.

Facebook, Instagram and TikTok all have their own market or ‘shop’ in which you can sell items, and it’s actually pretty straightforward. Or, depending on what it is you're selling, you could try physical stores for reselling, CeX for more technology based items. There are other shops who provide this, but it may require a quick Google search on your part just to ascertain what is in your area. 

Find a Side Hustle

The lockdowns during COVID-19  saw a massive increase  in people starting businesses from the comfort of their home, thrifty people making use of a skill they learned, such as baking, to sell and post to others. It was a nice little way of making more money, gave people a sense of community and purpose, and was a nice way of staying active. Some people didn't give up on their side hustles post lockdown and still do them to this day, whether still as a side,or as a main source of income. 

Matched Betting

I know what you’re thinking. Isn’t this gambling? Matched betting isn’t quite gambling. Well, it is, but without the risk of a gamble. The whole premise is essentially, to bet on both sides. This method in particular takes advantage of free bets you receive upon creating accounts with different bet providers. While the earnings may not be as yielding as a potential win of a bet, it DOES remove the possibility of losing. This method actually takes a little time and accumulates over time to see big results, but if you’re willing to be patient and let your winnings accumulate, then this is definitely a good way to earn more money. 

Investing in Stock, Shares and Cryptocurrency

This is another method that may take some time to actually bear fruit, and while a sometimes risky method due to the volatile nature of stock/shares, its also likely the highest return if successful. The way this works is you become an investor into another entity, be it stock shares, like Amazon or Nvidia, or crypto currency service, such as Tether (USDT), and simply wait for shares to increase or decrease, depending on the current market value. Of all the ‘side hustles’, this is probably the one most attributed to luck really, as you yourself can’t really change the landscape of the market.

Part-time Work from Home Opportunities

Whilst lockdown posed a lot of problems for a lot of people, it also opened the eyes of people and companies. Companies soon found the merit of hiring people who could stay at home and work, rather than taking up office space, or even having an office if it wasn’t necessary. Jobs like admin assistants, copywriters and programmers are common, as they are flexible hours, and can easily be worked around your own schedule. These are advertised quite frequently these days through the use of LinkedIn, Indeed, etc., and just like any other job role, there are typically ways to progress too.

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5 Ways To Make Money From The Safety Of Your Sofa

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