
Do You Need Employee Engagement Software?

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Do You Need Employee Engagement Software?

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Any forward-thinking corporation must know that doing a job right is not enough to flourish and grow. The success of any business project relies, more than ever before, on the level of its employees’ commitment and connection to the organisation. 

This realisation has led thousands of organisations around the world to invest more and more in what HR specialists consider the pillars of a healthy company: cash flow, customer satisfaction and employee engagement. 

Employee Engagement Matters, Here’s Why

Gallup data shows that engaged organisational cultures are simply more successful. Engaged employees have been proven to drive better results and achieve better corporate reputations. Why? Because an engaged workforce works better, but it also talks better about its company! 

Being part of an organisation implies much more than simply going to the office every day, and your staff knows it. Businesses, large and small, should aim to make their employees feel they are truly part of the company.

Involving workers in different processes will translate into higher productivity and an increased rate of satisfaction — both are fundamental when it comes to your business’ health. 

Dozens of studies have unveiled a correlation between high employee engagement and performance in the last decade, and data doesn’t lie. A report carried out by Harvard Business Review Analytic Services revealed that 71% of respondents rank employee engagement as very important in achieving overall organisational success.

85% of Employees around the Globe Are Not Engaged at Work

The above notwithstanding, you might find it surprising to find out that Gallup’s State of the American Workplace Report indicates that a striking 85% of the global workforce is not engaged at work or is actively disengaged. 

This percentage becomes even more shocking when one realises the monetary implications of disengaged employees. According to Gallup, they cost an estimated $500 billion in lost productivity every year. This figure clearly shows us the scale of the prob­lem and why it’s an issue that needs addressing.

Employee Engagement Software the Answer?

Keeping the costs mentioned above in mind, there is no question as to why managerial teams are racking their brains in the search of solutions. Here’s where employee engagement software comes into play. 

Facilitating better levels of communication between managers and employees, this type of technology can monitor engagement levels, measure wellbeing and, best of all, trigger action. 

If you’re wondering whether employee engagement software is something to invest in, here are a few reasons that might help you wrap your head around it. 

  1. A Simple, Easy-to-Use Tool

The best employee engagement software boasts user-friendly mechanisms that require little training. Easy to use and learn, they can be incorporated into your team’s workflow seamlessly and without hassle. 

  1. The Key to Effective Internal Communication

When it comes to employee engagement, internal communication plays a key role. A team with good internal communication performs better and has a stronger understanding of the company’s culture.

Significantly important for business growth and performance, when internal communication channels are clear and effective, employees feel more informed, secure and motivated to achieve their goals. In contrast, poor internal communication can easily lead to frustration and lower productivity.

With more and more teams working remotely nowadays, employees that are given the possibility to react to one another or to clients immediately will feel more like part of the team — or, in other words, part of the bigger picture. This is one of the great pros of employee engagement software.

  1. The Way to Improve Onboarding Processes

Another great advantage of this type of tool is the fact that it facilitates the communication and training of new employees. Employee engagement software enables new starters to easily access all the resources and internal portals they need from a unified interface.

  1. The Path to Improving Retention Rates

Employee engagement software uses the implementation of interviews to determine what aspects of the business first drew employees to trust it. 

This type of tool provides teams with a safe space to voice their ideas, issues or concerns, and it provides brands with a place to build those value propositions to retain top-performing employees. On top of that, it enables businesses to develop a system for recognition or rewards and communicate any changes that can excite and engage employees.

  1. Part of the Strategy to Raise Productivity

These mechanisms also allow everyone in the team to clearly understand the goals and roles required of each person. This way, employees can work towards meeting them without error or duplication. 

The cherry on the cake is the option of continuous tracking so that managers can quickly identify what goals are met and which employees are more engaged or performing better. This will allow them to reward teams accordingly or identify who needs more motivation or support. 

  1. A Means to Boost Employee Wellbeing 

Monitoring wellbeing effectively isn't simply about ensuring your employees are healthy and happy. Did you know poor wellbeing management can have adverse effects on your organisation? 

Stress, sleep deprivation or disruption to one’s routine can hinder anyone’s ability to function adequately at work, which would, consequently, lead to more sick days, lower concentration levels and exhaustion.

Employee engagement software enables managers to build tailor-made engagement surveys that employees can use to understand their wellbeing levels and take action. These surveys are built with scientifically backed wellbeing monitors that enable you to motivate better performance whilst keeping mental health in check.

An effective and simple way to keep track of your team’s performance and involvement, employee engagement software can save your organisation both time and money. 

Your business relies on your workers being engaged and productive, so investing in a tool that allows you to monitor their wellbeing and performance, whilst keeping internal communications in one place, might be worth a shot for your business. 

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Do You Need Employee Engagement Software?

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