
Going The Extra Mile: How To Win Repeat Customers

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Going The Extra Mile: How To Win Repeat Customers

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Winning a customer is a big achievement. However, it’s important to remember that your work’s not done just because they’ve made a purchase. Apart from some specific circumstances, successful businesses are built on repeat customers, rather than single-time customers. 

The good news is that this isn’t as difficult as acquiring new customers. In fact, studies have shown that marketing to existing customers is much cheaper and more effective — and that makes sense, since you know they already have an interest in your goods/services. Still, you can’t assume that just because someone’s bought something once, then they’ll do it again. You need to make sure of it.

Below, we’ll run through some handy tips that’ll help increase the chances that your customers come back time and time again. 

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Perfect Your Product

There’s no avoiding this one: you need a great product. While a business can get away with having flaws in other areas, there’s not much that covers up for a poor product. Today’s consumers have an ocean of choice available when they need to buy something. If your product or service didn’t deliver, then it’ll be inevitable that they look elsewhere. 

Don’t assume that your customers are happy with your product just because you are. They’ll be using it more rigorously than you do. If they give feedback, then pay attention.

Streamlined, Quality Postage and Packaging

Many businesses view their postage and packaging operations as an unimportant part of the process. Smart businesses know that it’s an opportunity to impress their customers. First up, the speed of the delivery. Nobody wants to be waiting forever for a product to arrive — endeavor to get it to your customers as soon as possible. For the packaging, you can also look at custom printing services; customized packaging tape, shopping bags, or tags can help to add a touch of luxury to your delivered products. Where possible, look at including some freebies with orders too — stickers, pens, and pins are highly affordable, yet are always appreciated by customers.

Invest In Your Digital Content

It should come as no surprise that consumers — including your customers — are spending a lot of time alone. In the process, they’re beginning to ask for more from the businesses that they give their money to. They don’t just want the product; they want to see that there’s an overall strong digital presence. And they also want information. By putting together how-to guides, extensive product information, and other essential info on your website, you can become the go-to resource for your industry. As well as simply helping your customers, this helps to develop trust. The customer will know that you’re an authority voice for your range of products. 

Offer Discounts and Rewards 

Businesses are eager to give discounts and rewards to new customers. But to existing customers? Not so much. This can create a disconnect between the customer and the brand, especially since it appears as if the business assumes that they have their customers' loyalty. By offering discounts and other bonuses, you can show that your existing customers are just as important to you as your new customers — and in fact, they should perhaps be more important. Sending a 10% discount code or other personalized deals “just because” can be a good way to show that you care about their business. 

Answer Their Calls

The true test of a relationship is when something goes wrong. After all, it’s easy for everyone to be all smiles when everything is going well. If you’re in business for long enough, then you’ll encounter unhappy customers. How you respond will determine whether they come back in the future, or if they find a new business to work with. If you acknowledge that a mistake has occurred and then do everything you can do to correct the issue, then your customer will likely be satisfied. On the other hand, if you don’t make amends, then you can’t blame the customer if they look elsewhere.

Innovate and Improve

Finally, remember that customers want to feel that they’re getting the best possible service from the companies they give their money to. If your business feels like it’s stuck in the past, then your customers will likely be curious about what your more modern competitors have to offer. As a business, it’s essential that you continue looking forward, make improvements, and all-around innovate your goods and services. If you can do that, then you’ll always be on the cutting edge — and your existing customers will have no reason to leave.

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Going The Extra Mile: How To Win Repeat Customers

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