
Why Is Forming Relationships With Your Employees So Important?

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Why Is Forming Relationships With Your Employees So Important?

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Forming relationships with your employees is key when you run a business for a number of reasons. You want them to trust you, you want them to want to work with you and so much more which simply isn’t going to happen if you are not being careful.

If your employees don’t like you then you don’t have much of a chance of getting the best out of them which would be a real shame for the rest of the company.

This is why you need to step up your game and start forming these relationships immediately. In this article, we’re going to be taking a look at why forming relationships with your employees is so important, so keep reading down below if you would like to find out more.

Hard Working

The first reason that you want to form relationships with your employees is because they are likely to work harder for you. If they know that you appreciate them and that you have a positive relationship then they are going to try harder. This isn’t only because you are nice to them even though that is a large part of it.

It’s also partly because when you ask about things they are not going to want to let you down or give you bad news. Sometimes this is inevitable and you have to remember that not everything is the fault of the employees. 

If you want hard working employees, then they need to be happy and comfortable. These are the two most important parts of this, but forming a relationship with those working for you certainly helps.


When you have a relationship with your employees, it enhances the protection on both sides. When you really get to know your employees you are going to remember that they are human and that they deserve to be looked after, pushing you to do things you haven’t yet done.

For example, you might then go and make sure that you have got the right insurance policies that protect your employees should something happen to them. This way, they can look into a work accident claim and it doesn’t have to cost your business anything, helping to maintain the relationship you worked hard to build.

Not only that though, but it means that they are more likely to protect you. They won’t go sharing your secrets to the competition, and they will do everything that they can to keep your business safe. It's a fantastic feeling, and one that you certainly want to experience. 


Have you ever heard of headhunting and poaching? This is where a recruiter or someone from another company comes and tries to find the best of the best. If this person happens to be working for your business at the time, then they are going to come for them.

These people make extremely tempting offers to get the person to leave the business that they are at, but if you have a relationship with that person, then it’s going to be harder to get them to leave.

Of course, if the opportunity is massively better for them than what you can offer, you should encourage them to take it, but you will see the dedication when they are trying to turn down the offer even though they know it’s a good one.

This level of dedication is not easily achievable, and it’s going to take a long time to get there, but time is something that you have in abundance. Show them that you are dedicated to them by looking out for them at all times, and they will do the same for you.

Makes You More Approachable

Relationships with your employees make you a more approachable person. A lot of the time, people don’t want to approach their boss because they are nervous, or even scared depending on the boss. But when you have a relationship with those who work for you, they are going to be able to come to you far easier.

This means that if there is a problem, you can count on the fact that nobody is going to hide it from you and that you are going to be able to come together as a team to fix it. Also, if someone is struggling, they’re not just going to palm their work off on someone else. They will come and talk to you about what is going on.

It’s essential that you are an approachable boss, otherwise you get issues like people trying not to tell you when things are going wrong. It’s your job to know everything that is happening in your business and with your team, and if you don’t currently, you need to ask yourself why.

Fantastic Teamwork

You will also find that it promotes far better teamwork than anything else. When you create strong relationships with  your employees, they are then more likely to form relationships amongst themselves, creating one big work family. In this, you will find that teamwork is second to none.

Teamwork is an important part of the success of any business, and you need to make sure that you are trying to get this sorted as soon as possible. If you come down and join them for a little while this is going to be even more effective.

The better your team works together, the more efficient your business is going to be. The better results your business is going to see. The tighter your business is going to feel. These are all important factors for a business, and it’s not difficult to achieve as you can see. 

Better Results

Have you ever thought about the fact that you can get better results if you have a relationship with your employees? Like we mentioned before, they are going to want to work hard which is going to massively increase their output, providing much better results than you have ever seen.

Watch the numbers for your business, and we guarantee that when you start forming relationships with those people in your business, there is going to be a drastic improvement. 

A Nicer Environment

It will also ensure that there is a far nicer environment in the business office. Nobody is going to be tense that the boss is going to flip at any second, and nobody is going to be scared of the moment that you walk into the office. And, with all the other employees now getting along better than ever before, it is going to be a far nicer environment for everyone who works for the business.

This is essential to seeing fantastic results and encouraging your employees to work a little harder. Sometimes when things pick up a little you need them to work a little more than they were before, so give them this little push by creating the perfect work environment in which everyone can thrive.

We hope that you have found this article helpful, and now see some of the reasons why forming relationships with your employees is so important. Trust us when we say that your employees want this kind of relationship with you because it makes their work experience that much better.

If you haven’t currently made the effort to form relationships with those that work for you, we suggest that you get on this as soon as possible. We wish you the very best of luck, and hope that this creates a healthy and happy environment for your business. 

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Why Is Forming Relationships With Your Employees So Important?

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